5 Poses for Open Hips!

Lets Talk Tight Hips!

Hips for many of us are a constant source of ahhhh! It is one of the tightest areas of the body, and those of you who cycle or run and then sit at your desk… will feel very tight here!! Open hips are possible and here are some poses to help!

Tight hips are often a source of lower back pain, and can have a big impact on how comfortable we feel in our body. I am constantly working to stretch out this area especially at the moment as the weather starts to turn. So here are my top 5 ‘go too’ yoga poses to open the hips, create space and release tension in this tight area. Little note, these are hips openers, keep the sensation in the hips, and awareness of your knees. If anything doesn’t feel good in these poses ease yourself out and try a different pose!


MoreStillness: Journey to Meditation

Why meditate?

Meditation is a powerful tool that helps us to feel more comfortable in ourselves, more calm, more in control and at peace. And yet many of us struggle to build a regular practice or find a technique that enables us to sit in stillness. As we rush around our busy days, constantly bombarded, it’s sometimes hard to think we have time to just sit and do nothing. Yet this always on, high intensity culture is causing tens of thousands of us each year to report increased levels of stress, fatigue, burnout, and an inability to slow down.


My Switch to Natural Beauty and Why…

Like many women, I don’t feel great without make up on. Hair colour, fake tan, make up, moisturisers…. The list of beauty products most of us use regularly to help us feel good goes on. Have you ever counted how many different products you use on your body every day to make yourself feel more beautiful and look healthier? Even worse have you ever looked at the list of ingredients in each one of these products? Recently I have been doing just that, looking into why I should make the switch to natural beauty.


So let’s start from the beginning… where does this quest for beauty using chemicals begin…. I distinctly remember being interested in make up from a very young age because of my mum. Always wanting to paint my nails, or wear lipstick like she did. I could see the impact these rituals had on her when she was getting dressed up for an event and it was enchanting. When I was growing up my mum was an Avon lady, and I often used to go door to door with her meeting clients and speaking to them about cosmetics. From a very young age you see the pleasure others get from these luxury products and it starts to lay foundations for these beliefs that these products can help us, make us feel happier healthier and more beautiful.


Top Yoga Teacher Remedies to Fight Winter Cold’s

February is nearly over, there’s a peak of Spring sunshine through the clouds and with the shift in season and change in weather… also comes the cold and flu season! People sniffing and coughing on the tubes and trains as cold and flu are spreading and catching everyone including myself!! So here’s my top 5 remedies I use to help beat the sickness and stay healthy this Spring – all 100% Yogi tested!

  1. Echinacea – Treatment & prevention for sinus / respiratory issues, common colds and flu. You can get it in various forms from your health food shops such as tea and tablets, my favourite way to take it is in essence form which you dilute (more…)